Fishmonger Sponsors

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” -James Brown “70 years of my history” There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly. About Me Shop Now Shirts {% assign oriCollection = collection %} {% assign collection = collections['t-shirts'] %} {% assign productCount = collection.products | size | at_most: 8 %} {% if productCount > 0 %} {% paginate collection.products by 8 %} {% for product in collection.products limit:productCount %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceIntegralLength = priceIntegral | size %} {% assign priceIntegralDigits = priceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign priceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in priceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = priceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralLength = oriPriceIntegral | size %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralDigits = oriPriceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in oriPriceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = oriPriceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == 1 %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endpaginate %} {% else %} {% if 'T-Shirts' == '' %} Please choose collection to show products from sidebar. {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to the collection first. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% assign collection = oriCollection %} Knives {% assign oriCollection = collection %} {% assign collection = collections['knives'] %} {% assign productCount = collection.products | size | at_most: 8 %} {% if productCount > 0 %} {% paginate collection.products by 8 %} {% for product in collection.products limit:productCount %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceIntegralLength = priceIntegral | size %} {% assign priceIntegralDigits = priceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign priceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in priceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = priceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralLength = oriPriceIntegral | size %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralDigits = oriPriceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in oriPriceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = oriPriceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == 1 %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endpaginate %} {% else %} {% if 'Knives' == '' %} Please choose collection to show products from sidebar. {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to the collection first. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% assign collection = oriCollection %} Proudly Sponsored By: {% assign formId = 'customer_' | append: 'znid-059127918684' %} {% form 'customer', id: formId, class: 'zn-newsletter-form' %} {% if false %} {% if 'Your name:' != '' %} Your name: {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if '' != '' %} {% endif %} Subscribe {% if form.posted_successfully? %} {% if 'message' == 'redirect' %} var redirectUrl = ''; if (redirectUrl) { window.location.href = redirectUrl; } {% else %} Thank you for your submission. {% endif %} {% elsif form.errors %} The information is not valid. Please try again. {% endif %} {% endform %}